Friday, October 10, 2014

Day 9: Consistent Therapy

We see lots of therapists in this house:  speech, occupational, and physical.  Speech therapy was a given with Nicholas and Ellie, because they were born with cleft lips and palates.  But it turned out Peter needed speech therapy, too.  As did Olivia, and now Christopher.  Elijah is the only one out of the loop (at the moment anyway!)

It is funny that Christopher is getting so much speech therapy now because when we were deciding what special needs we were open to in his adoption, I said, somewhat jokingly "I am kind of sick of all this speech therapy.  Let's look into limb difference instead of cleft lip and palate, and I can learn about OT and PT this time."

Christopher, although he is missing some fingers and toes, does not have at much trouble with his fine and gross motor skills.   He was assigned an Occupational Therapist through our state's Early Intervention program.  I am guessing that he was given an OT mostly because his ectrodactyly stands out, not really because of an honest assessment of his skills.  However, OT is helpful for his motor planning and sensory issues, which are very minor but I want to give him all he can get while he is young.  Here he is with Ms. Julie, his beloved OT:

I have also mentioned before that he does hippotherapy.  He works with an OT on horseback and he loves it.  Again, he does not have many fine or gross motor issues, but he works on motor planning and sensory stuff.

 I think we mostly do this because he likes it and I am so eager to give him all of the experiences he can to make up for such sensory deprivation as a baby.

His biggest issue is speech.  He is pretty delayed, probably due to neglect in his early months, but he is so motivated and is doing so well.

I am so proud of him.

He loves his speech therapist, Ms. Suzy, and he loves his twice weekly sessions with her.

Look at what he can do!

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